Club competition
Our first club competition for 3 years will be held on Sunday 10th July at Haslingden Primary school. Doors open at 8:30am. The competition will commence at 9:30am (ish) If you can help with setting up the arena, please arrive before 9 am if possible, we have mats to lay and tables to setup for…
Training over the Jubilee holiday
No class on Thursday 2nd and Sunday 5th June this week as it’s the jubilee bank holiday. Back to normal from Tuesday 7th June.
Training Thursday 26th May
Training on Thursday 26th May is cancelled as we don’t have a qualified instructor available for that day. Training on Sunday’s and Tuesday’s is unaffected, so please try to make one of those days to train. Thursday 19th is also unaffected.
Bo class Sunday 15th May
Training on Sunday morning 15th May will be held at Haslingden Primary school. 10am to 12pm. Sensei Doyle will be leading a special Bo class (Japanese staff). We have a stock of sticks to for students to borrow, but if you have your own Bo, please bring it along. This will be an introduction to…
Web site update
Welcome to the new look web site. We are currently updating the web site to remove clutter and improve security. It’s an ongoing process, but we will show all important posts on the main page from now on. Access to some of the old pages may now not be available from the menu at the…
Happy new year
Happy new year to all members. We will restart our sessions on Tuesday 4th January 2022. We look forward to seeing you at the dojo to resume your training. Hopefully we will be fully back to normal training for the whole year. Our next grading is already booked for Tuesday 22nd February.
Face coverings
You are now legally required to wear a face covering when you enter the building that is hosting the dojo. You may only remove your face covering when entering the dojo to take part in the class. Children under 11 are exempt from wearing a face covering, but parents bringing their children must wear a…
Sunday 21st November special course
Our training on Sunday 21st November will take place at Haslingden Primary school. We will be hosting sensei Garside who will be giving a special kumite class which will be suitable for all grades and beginners. Session starts at 10am and finishes at 12pm. Please arrive by 9:55am. We welcome all members to attend. The…
No training Tuesday 9th November
The school is hosting an event on the evening of 9th November, so the school hall is not available for us to train in. The session on Tuesday 9th November is therefore cancelled. Training on Sunday 7th at Crawshawbooth library and Thursday 11th at the AB&D centre are still available. Please try to make it…
Grading Oct 2021
Our next grading is on TUESDAY 26th October at Haslingden Primary School. Training is in the normal gym. Doors are open at 6pm, please get there by 6:15pm. Grading fee is £25, training only fee is £6. You must bring your licence to grade and it must be up to date with an in date…