Category: Grading

  • Grading

    Our next grading with Sensei Harford is Tuesday 25th February at Haslingden Primary school. Pre grade assessments will be taking place during training on Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th. Training only is £6, training and grading is £26. Please pay on entry. Those grading MUST bring their up to date KUGB license. Training starts at…

  • Grading Oct 2021

    Our next grading is on TUESDAY 26th October at Haslingden Primary School. Training is in the normal gym. Doors are open at 6pm, please get there by 6:15pm. Grading fee is £25, training only fee is £6. You must bring your licence to grade and it must be up to date with an in date…

  • Special sunday training

    Sunday 23th February 10am till 12pm will be a special Osae Wasa (joint lock) class with sensei Warburton instead of the normal training session.  The course will cover: demonstrate six unique locks Standing and ground work variations Kata application Understanding anatomy and pressure points Health and safety briefing   We welcome all grades and ages,…

  • Grading Feb 2020

    Next grading is on FRIDAY 21st February at Haslingden Primary School. Training is in the normal gym. Doors are open at 6pm, please get there by 6:15pm. Training with sensei Andy Sherry starts at 6:30pm. Grading to follow on after training at 8:00pm. Pre-grade classes Can all those planning to grade bring their license to…